
    Hi! I'm Cassy, a 20 year old Fil-Am college student in the Philippines. I was born and raised in the States, but in 2006 I decided to study (and hopefully after college, live) in the Philippines..
    So... this is my blog thing! One lesson my dad stuck with me before I left the states was preparedness. Back in 06, he was already worried about the economy and whatnot, and well... Look at the place now! :P At least I know I don't have to worry about them over there, cause my dad's got things in order.
    Its a funny thing, trying to be prepared in the Philippines. A lot of things are different here compared to the States, and a lot of the advice normally given regarding preparation doesn't always stick. For one, there's the climate. Its humid, its hot, and there's only two seasons: Rainy or Dry. But with the funk in the world, typhoon season is getting weird and... well... Yeah.
    Another big difference here is the food. The staple here isn't wheat/flour/bread. Its rice. Read the news a few months ago? Rice gets expensive when panic occurs. Common fruits aren't apples... But mangos, bananas, coconuts, and all sorts of other things.
    I live in my grand auntie's house, just across a highway from my grandmother's house, so family is always a support whenever anything is up. :P
    So... this site will mostly be about my adventures, in learning to live in the Philippines. I'll post what I can about the various things in Philippine life - like sari sari stores, street food, neighbor's chickens (actually, fighting cocks) and all other sorts of stuff. So... Yeah!
    Have fun reading!

    -Cassy the Ogre


Here's the sites I go to often:

Survivalblog.com - a good preparedness site that  my dad told me about. Really helpful.

Spiritdaily - Catholic news from around the world, pretty much.

Cantr II - a role playing game I've been playing since 2004 or so. Lots of fun. Its a society simulator, and it allows you to be anything in a society - from village idiot to pirate - within limits. Daily life can be a range of farming, tailoring, hunting, chatting with other people... Imagine any life different than yours, in a village or any time setting... And you can find it here. :)